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Case Study: Effective Talent Redeployment and Outplacement Support During Organisational Restructuring

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Posted On Jul 19, 2024 

An online grocery provider, facing the challenge of a major restructure, had 150 employees at risk of redundancy due to the closure of operations in five key locations. The company aimed to retain as much talent as possible by aligning with existing open internal vacancies. Additionally, for those who could not be redeployed internally, outplacement support was to be provided to facilitate a smooth career transition.




The primary challenge was to manage the redundancy process without negatively impacting operational output and employee morale. The client needed to ensure that the affected employees remained productive and engaged during the transition.




LHH partnered with the client to provide comprehensive onsite support across all five locations. Consultants with local economic and recruitment knowledge were carefully selected to address the unique needs of each location. LHH’s role was dual-faceted: to offer independent, impartial advice to the employees and to alleviate the burden on the client’s HR team and employee representatives who could focus their energy on handling severance packages and redeployment contracts more efficiently.


  • Onsite Presence
    LHH consultants were stationed at each location to provide immediate support and guidance. This onsite presence ensured that employees had access to confidential and unbiased advice, fostering trust and openness.
  • Educational Focus
    A significant portion of the support centred around educating employees about their career options. Workshops and one-on-one sessions were available to discuss with employees both internal vacancies and external opportunities. This education empowered employees to make informed decisions about their own career paths.




LHH’s strategic support resulted in 20% of employees being internal redeployed within the company. This outcome not only resulted in significant cost savings in terms of severance packages and hiring fees but also retained valuable experience and knowledge within the business.


For the 80% of employees who exited the business, LHH provided a three-month career coaching programme, ensuring that employees felt supported throughout the exiting process and ongoing support afterwards.


The programme's success extended beyond the redeployment and outplacement support. The client experienced no drop in productivity during the consultation period, thanks to the ongoing support and education provided by LHH. Employee morale remained high as individuals felt valued and well-supported during a difficult time.


Key Learnings


  • Employee Education
    Providing comprehensive information and career education early in the process enabled employees to make well-informed decisions, leading to higher satisfaction and engagement.
  • Operational Efficiency
    By partnering with LHH, the client's HR team could focus on critical tasks, improving overall efficiency and effectiveness during the transition.
  • Morale and Productivity
    Independent and impartial support from LHH ensured that employees felt confident and motivated, resulting in maintained productivity and a positive workplace atmosphere.


For more information on how LHH can support your employees and organisation, please contact us via or 020 3966 3524.