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Supplementing a Big 4 Accounting Firm’s Internal Acquisition Efforts

LHH Recruitment Solutions was able to assemble a dedicated recruiting team & place a large number of qualified CPA consultants to meet our client’s seasonal needs.

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2 min

Posted On Jun 29, 2023 

Business Case

A big 4 client had recently won several significant new contracts, increasing the number of senior consultants required for additional projects in an already busy year. The speed with which the client had to find qualified people and the large volume needed meant the internal recruiting group would have to be supplemented by outside recruiters.


Our Solution

LHH Recruitment Solutions quickly assembled a specialized recruitment team that consisted of former Big 4 CPAs. By encouraging the client to see the value – in every sense – of allowing the seasonal consultants to work remotely, LHH Recruitment Solutions was able to use its custom recruiting technique to tap into its proprietary database of 4+ million candidates and its Big 4 network. LHH Recruitment Solutions was able to fill 90%+ of the client’s needs on a remote basis, meaning we could save them money and give them access to the best available talent.



The consultants we placed with this Big 4 Firm have enabled it to provide financial consulting services to more than 100 of its own clients. This has meant new revenue streams and professional relationships for the Firm. Our success with this assignment has led to introductions to other departments within the client organization, including Legal and IT. Making use of the vast LHH Recruitment Solutions ecosystem of specialties and service offerings has resulted in cost efficiencies, simplified procurement, and speed to hire for our client.


How Can We Help You?

In the last 30 years, we’ve partnered with more than 5,000 finance & accounting clients and worked with more than 300,000 highly skilled candidates, all vetted and ready to make an impact. We are ready to help you, too. Contact an LHH professional staffing expert today.